
GN-002 Gundam Dynames | Gundam Dynames is specialized in long-range combat and sniping. It's armory includes: GN Sniper Rifle, GN Missile, GN Beam Saber, GN (Full) Shield, GN Beam Pistol and Super Substratospheric Altitude Gun.


GN-002+GNR-001D GN Armor Type-D | It is created when Gundam Dynames combines with the GNR-001D GN Arms Type-D. This enhances all the capabilities of Dynames. It's armory includes: Claw, Large-Size GN Cannon, Gn Twin Rifle and Large-Size Missile Container.


GN-006 Cherudim Gundam | It is meant to be the successor to Gundam Dynames, it is meant to be superior every way.It's armory includes: GN Sniper Rifle II, GN Beam Pistol II, GN Shield Bit, and GN Missile Pod.


Cherudim Gundam GNHW/R | This version of the Cherudim Gundam is meant to be heavily armed. It's armory includes GN Sniper Rifle II, GN Beam Pistol II, GN Rifle Bit, GN Shield Bit and GN Missile Pod.


GN-010 Gundam Zabanya | It is an overall upgrade from the Cherudim Gunam GNHW/R, there are new systems and weapons equipped with it. It's armory includes: GN Holster Bit, GN Missile Pod, GN Pistol Bit and GN Rifle Bit.
